It has been a long time since I have updated the blog so there may be several posts here to catch you up on our lives or at least lots of pictures. We are doing great and very anxiously awaiting the birth of Charles Connor Dewald due April 12. 6 weeks away and I am counting down. I can't wait to meet this little boy! Aubrey has lost 3 teeth, has just signed up for soccer, has a ballet recital coming up in May and is completing her home school Kindergarten year hopefully before Connor is born! Eli is enjoying his first year of choir, learning lots in home-school pre-school, and loves his new bunk beds we just set up in his room. He definitely can't wait to play soccer next year, I think he is a little jealous that Aubrey gets to play this year. Ava is finally starting to talk more, she is a fun, mischievous little girl and will be turning 2 in May (where did the time go). She just had tubes put in her ears and her adenoids out and the surgery went well. We have had a busy year but so much fun! I love these sweet kids so much and their different personalities! Here are some pics to see glimpses of their lives!
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