Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall Family Campout

I have not blogged in a while because for the past month and a half at least one of us has been sick with something but we are all on the road to getting better FINALLY and we can now enjoy this beautiful fall weather. This past weekend was our Fall Family Campout and I love family traditions because it is a fun time to reconnect with family and friends that we do not get to see often and spend quality time with my husband and children. The weather was perfect and we had a wonderful weekend out in the woods. Aubrey camped out with Mimi and Puh Puh but Scott and I took Eli and Ava to sleep at my parents house since they were still sick. Aubrey learned to drive a four wheeler by herself with absolutely no fear whatsoever and Eli tried to drive the four wheeler by himself pushing the gas to go as fast as he could, only the helmet covered his eyes so he couldn't really see where he was going! We held a cowabunga ceremony for new initiates (another family tradition) but unless you come to the Bivens Family Campout, you'll never know what it is. Each year Puh Puh makes a sign to go on the four wheeler trails for each new family member, so we took Ava's picture by her new sign. I love the picture of all the campers, I think that we were missing a few but there were around 40 people there this year. Opi and Omi came out to visit and Mom Mom came to visit, which was a miracle! She even made a grande entrance on a four wheeler! What a fun time, something that the kids and I look forward to every year. Scott has fun too but I think he looks forward to the shower he takes after camping more so than the actual campout. Unfourtunately, I believe that Eli feels the same way, he begged to take a bath each night! We had a great time, and did I mention that I LOVE family traditions.


  1. Wow - that's amazing - sounds like a lot of fun (although I'm not a camper these days)! I love family traditions too :). ~Jess

  2. Sounds like ya'll had a blast! What great memories! I love the picture of you and Aubry on the 4 wheeler!
