Thursday, September 16, 2010

What a week

It has been a crazy week at our house. Besides the fact that my children are currently sick, we have had some crazy things happen at our house this week. Scott and I cleaned out our attic and while we were in the attic we told the kids to stay in our bedroom so we could get down some boxes. I blocked the door with several totes. While Scott and I were in the attic, I hear Aubrey say "Mommy, Eli is turning down the air conditioner!" Scott replies with Eli can't reach the air conditioner but knowing my son, I decide to investigate. As I walk down the attic stairs, I see Eli standing on top of three totes turning down the air conditioner which normally is set on 72 but he turned it down to 66! Then several days later Aubrey cut her chin and wanted to put a bandaid on it so she runs upstairs to get one and when she gets back down stairs I notice that her shirt has hair all over it, so I asked her if she cut her hair and her eyes filled up with tears and she said Please don't spank me. I began brushing her hair with my hands and these two inch pieces of hair begin to fall to the floor. We have waited a long time for her to have hair, so I was not thrilled that she decided that she needed a hair cut, but I did not spank her, I just sternly told her that better never happen again and then I cut her hair into a short bob as you can see in the photos. What a week with these wonderful children I adore so much!


  1. The life of a mom, right? :)

    I think her hair looks precious. I am impressed that you were able to do that yourself. I took Emma Lee just last week to have hers cut. I would never attempt to do that myself.

    Hope the weekend is less "eventful". :)

  2. Her hair is precious! Ava is growing so fast! Eli is all boy, isn't he?! They keep you on your toes, don't they!
