Aubrey wanted to have a tea party for her 4th birthday, which, of course was very exciting to me because my grandmother (Mom Mom) always had tea parties with me as a little girl and has had two tea parties with Aubrey when we have gone to visit her. Aubrey was also given the choice of receiving gifts from all her friends or getting a few gifts from family and asking her friends to bring a donation for a charity of her choice. I am so proud of my daughters generous heart, she chose to ask her friends to bring a donation for the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Her party was so much fun! Mom Mom and I were able to find enough tea cups and saucers at Goodwill, thrift stores and Old Time Pottery that all the girls could have tea with real tea cups and then could take them home. My Aunt Sonja and my mom Mimi painted nails and helped the girls choose jewelry to dress up in at Mimi's Pretty-in-Pink Boutique and I helped the girls decorate hats to wear to the tea party. The girls were gorgeous in their beautiful dresses sitting around the dining room table sipping their tea. My biggest worry for the party was being able to make the cake. I am a terrible dessert maker but to my surprise the tea pot cake turned out pretty cute. The party was a success and Aubrey raised $285.00 for St. Jude! Thank you to all who helped with the party and to those of who you joined us for tea and donated to St. Jude!