We have had several busy weeks and I have not posted any updates in a while. Two weeks ago I had a stomach virus and got really dehydrated which caused me to start having some serious contractions so last Monday I had to go to the hospital and they put me on some medicine to slow the contractions which has helped so far. The following Thursday I was attempting to take my children to the Veggie Tells Premier of Pistachio at our church when our van literally just died while we were driving. Thankfully, it was only the battery and is working fine now that it has been replaced. We have been on several fun field trips over the past few weeks. Mimi took us to the Mayfield Dairy Tour, Scott and I took the kids to the Birmingham Zoo and I took the kids on a Bright Lights field trip to Dominos so they could make their own pizzas. Eli had his first Big Boy hair cut given to him by his great grandmother Omi and he has decided that he no longer requires a passy...that was so easy, he just decided he does not want it anymore. I wish potty training were that easy! We also moved Eli into a Full Size bed which he seems to like. I have almost finished working on Ava's room, I just need to sew one more pillow and paint the changing table and her room will be complete. Aubrey has almost learned all the books of the Old Testament by song and is on her 20th Bible Verse. Eli can almost sing all the words to Row, Row, Row Your Boat...his new favorite song. I am one tired mommy! Here are some cute pics of all the past fun events except for the zoo. I will post those later.