We have been busy with lots of fun lately. We ended May with a soccer awards ceremony, ballet recital, frozen pajama party and then began June with a visit from Aunt Mel (my college roommate). I am so thankful that we stay in touch! We have been camping at Aunt Sonja's in Tellico, to the Space and Rocket Center and the Botanical Garden. We also attended a week of VBS and went to the Hot Air Balloon Jubilee. It has been a fun and busy summer and we are enjoying our community pool often in this hot weather. We have picked strawberries and made homemade jelly and celebrated National Donut Day and then went to watch Scott run in a Tough Mudder Race. We were very proud of him. We are working on our rental house trying to get it ready to sell and trying to sell our house so we can move to the side of town ALL our activities are on. Hoping to enjoy a little more summer before we start back with school!
I am a stay at home mom and wife that loves her job. Taking care of the children and the house keeps me pretty busy, not to mention some occasional digital scrapbooking (my favorite hobby). I love my husband and my kids! Life gets crazy sometimes, but it is a wonderful life!