One of my favorite events that happened recently is my sweet niece Riley was born. I adore this sweet girl as do all my kids so we always fight over who gets to hold her and play with her.
It has been a long time since I have updated our blog and a lot has happened over the past two years. We moved to South Huntsville, an area we hoped to live in for a long time because every activity, doctors, church and most of our friends are there. We have traveled, updated our new "old" home and been very busy with homeschooling and the activities of 5 kids. Here are some recent pictures.
I am a stay at home mom and wife that loves her job. Taking care of the children and the house keeps me pretty busy, not to mention some occasional digital scrapbooking (my favorite hobby). I love my husband and my kids! Life gets crazy sometimes, but it is a wonderful life!